Poem ‘With You, With Me – I’m not alone’

This is a poem I wrote a few years ago but never told anyone about it. It reflects how I was feeling inside about life and how God helped me overcome. He is always with us – Emmanuel.

Thoughts clouded, crowded with colossal doubts and fears, mind cluttered, full of woes, unspoken tears, built up over years.

Unseen doubts whirling, swirling in an unseen storm. Need of silence, stillness of mind, a comfort before my heart is torn…

…So I STOP, …I PAUSE, …I REST, …I INVEST (breathe) … invest my time, spent with You.


Thoughts calming, breathing slowed, I’m beginning to see a new view, mind stilled, more focused on all that I know to be true – about You.

Heart no longer racing, doubts put to the side, meditate on Your goodness, allowing You to guide, I no longer need to hide!

Fears relieved, truths whispered to my soul.

I know you’ll always be… WITH ME.


Peace. Isn’t it something we all want to experience? Isn’t it something we all need and are wanting, desiring? Every day. It’s not a physical thing that money can buy or can be earned by hard work. It doesn’t matter if you are the richest person in the world, you still need a peace inside that money and possessions won’t give you – it goes deeper than that. It’s an inward ‘asset’ that not everyone has at times – it can come and go depending on circumstances and life situations and our current mood. Has something difficult happened to us; a problem I can’t seem to solve, a hurt that’s hard to forgive? Or just generally a vague anxiety about everything because the world is a mess or perhaps I feel inadequate, overwhelmed and lost in this world? Peace is SO needed! How do we function without peace? And where does it come from? I know it’s something I need every day and am wanting more of, to value it and keep it in my heart because that is where it’s meant to live.

Comforting and hopeful words are available to us! ‭Colossians‬ ‭3:15‬ ‭NKJV‬ says: ‘And let the peace of God rule in your hearts’. It must be possible then to let it live and ‘rule’ in our hearts, if this scripture says so. It also says in ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:7‬ ‘And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus’. The opposite is anxiety, I believe, that’s why it says before this scripture ‘do not be anxious about anything’. Easier said than done hey? But if it says it can protect us, then it can – we have to let it rule. We have to believe – I think that’s the key. Believe that it is possible and allow it place in our hearts. And receive that supernatural peace.

I have been in many scary situations that have required me to receive this peace – a peace that means I don’t lose hope. I’ve been deathly ill, needed a financial breakthrough (ok, many times!), had a conflict to deal with, been afraid to step out of my comfort zone, etc etc. Peace brings rest and hope. It’s in discovering who our God is and that His Word is true, knowing that He is able to give us His perfect peace in those times when we are anxious and afraid and feeling vulnerable. If we are vulnerable with Him and telling Him what we need in prayer and growing in our relationship with Him, this peace will increase. We will see small breakthroughs and perhaps bigger ones and this strengthens our hope and gives us peace. Money, success, material things are helpful but do not bring peace! It’s only found in finding Him and asking Him for what we need. Value the peace in your heart and try not to lose it. Find it again if you do. He will help you as He doesn’t want anyone staying anxious. ‘Fear not’ is mentioned many times in the scriptures. I want to encourage you that peace is available for each of us – let’s find peace if we’ve lost it and know that the only way is through relationship with Him. He is the peace -giver. 🕊️

One Life.

We only have this one life to live. Just one life. But there are so many things we don’t get to choose when we are born into this world. So many factors that are out of our control. For example: our family, the country we are born into, the culture and religion of our society and family, our physical appearance, etc.

But we do get to choose what we do with our life. That is an interesting subject to me. The fact that we are blessed with this chance of life, to have a go at walking out this life with what we are given, it’s actually a gift that’s loaded with potential. Some of us may be born into wealth but have physical difficulties, some of us into poverty but with a strong family network. Some may have incredible opportunities thrown their way, others be gifted with amazing talents to wow us all. Some may have a disability and struggle with pain every day, others with great health or maybe a buzzing personality that draws others to themselves.  Some may make people laugh, others may help us reflect and think more deeply. Basically we are all different, in opportunity, personality, talents, wealth, health, appearance and the list goes on….

But no matter what we are given in this life, we are all loaded with such great potential and possibilities. The potential to make new  friends, heal broken relationships, learn new skills and develop new talents, build careers, build memories,  overcome difficulties,  make huge milestones, live through sickness and pain, inspire others and again the list goes on. I am always encouraged to read how successful people have been able to overcome difficulties in their life and been able to turn things around. I recently reposted a short video on facebook that caught my attention. It showed how many famous names had overcome obstacles to become who they are known as today.  One such celebrity was Oprah Winfrey who used to be a very poor and unknown mum who is now a wealthy tv presenter who turned her life around. These stories inspires me so much. To know that life can be good or get better if things are tough. To know that whatever adversity we may face,  we can use it, or maybe take advantage of it or overcome it to do good. These things don’t have to overwhelm us and dictate to us that this is going to be a rubbish life.

I’ve been meditating on this recently,  maybe because I’m realising that I’m getting older (obviously!) and time is passing much quicker than I’d like. I don’t want to live in regret or wishing this or that had or hadn’t happened.  I want to be as present as possible  (by that I mean enjoy and make the most of each moment as it comes,  no matter what). I would like to be satisfied with my relationships and be thankful for all I have and live a full life no matter what obstacles come my way. I’d like to live as much as I can without fear, worry, doubt, unforgiveness or envy stopping me or holding me back. Is this at all possible? I think it can be if we choose to live this life knowing it’s the only life we are going to live and make the most of it. After all, life can be too short, I’m  guessing we all know how quickly circumstances can change.

One guy who I watch on Facebook is an inspiration to all, he was born without any limbs and it affected his life pretty badly.  At one point when he was young he wanted to give it all up and end his life. But he came to a turning point.  He decided to not let himself be limited by a life with no limbs and something amazing happened. His decision to not give up but embrace the part of his life that he couldn’t change dramatically altered his life. He now travels the world with his wife and 2 kids, inspiring people to not give up and speaks to thousands at a time in huge auditoriums. He continues to post inspiring messages to people encouraging them to take hold of life and push through when there’s difficulties. He also found faith in God, realising He is loved with an eternal love. There’s a lot to be learned from such people! So inspiring!

So, I’d like to encourage you to take hold of this life that you’ve got. Enjoy it, embrace all your been blessed with, don’t let obstacles bring you down, enjoy the people in your life and remember you are loaded with potential and we can all achieve so much in this world if we allow ourselves to (I’m talking to myself here too)! Keep dreaming, be blessed and inspired.  Jess x



Definition: 1. Complete trust or confidence in someone/something 2. Strong belief in the doctrines of a religion based on spiritual conviction rather than proof.

Hebrews 11 verse 1 – Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

1 Peter 1 verse 7 – These have come that your faith – of greater worth than gold….

Did you know that your belief has great value in your life? It is very important! Having faith in your heart for something you truly believe in adds a new dimension to your life. It creates a real depth to our thinking that is very unique. It even affects our decision-making, attitudes and behaviour.

From the definition and scriptures above we can see that having a strong faith in something gives us an inner confidence and assurance. Who doesn’t want to have confidence?! Whatever it is we are believing in, in our hearts,  we are to be sure that it is going to happen.  Having faith is an unseen realm that is almost mysterious and waiting to be explored. Its like looking for treasure when you know it is there to be dug up! That sounds exciting! We also see here that this faith in our hearts is very precious. Much more precious than gold. Gold is greatly desired (especially by us ladies!) and very costly. But yet our faith, and in this case faith in God, is much more valuable than gold! It is to be sought after, desired for, treasured, valued much more than anything else.

I don’t know about you, but I love the thought of finding treasure and seeking after something that is of great worth. It feels like an adventure, a journey, a mission, waiting for something good. I think that is how we should see it, with enthusiasm and expectation. I also think that is how God wants us to see our faith in Him too. Ever expecting something fresh and new from our Daddy in heaven because of His love for us and our faith in Him. I have been encouraged, from a well-known preacher, to often say as a confession “something good is coming my way”! That’s faith and its all to do with the heart.

There is so much more to life that just what we see with our natural eyes. If we just open up our hearts and allow ourselves to think and feel beyond the physical realm, there is much to be explored and discovered. I believe its just waiting to be grabbed by hungry hearts of faith, even just a little faith.

Over the years, in my own journey of the heart I have come to find that life can bring many struggles, challenges and difficulties our way. Whether it’s inner battles or circumstances that happen which cause us to feel down. It could be the death of a loved one, a disappointment, struggles in relationships, a low self-esteem or any number of things. But its in having faith in God that has brought me through those tough times. If I didn’t have something (or should I say, Someone) to believe in, I would have lost hope.

I believe we were created with a heart that is thirsty, longing to believe there is more. If you take a moment to stop the busy-ness of your life and set aside the demands, responsibilities, tasks, anxieties and challenges for a moment, ponder on what it is that you believe. You may already know and just be refreshed and strengthened within yourself as you think on the wonders of God and all He has done and has promised to do. Or this may be just the beginning, where you are searching for that foundation in your life. Faith is a foundation, it holds our lives together. It helps us to make decisions and guides us each day. I believe it makes us strong. My encouragement for us today is to know that faith is crucial for our growth. It is like a glue that gels everything within you into place. It will hold you together in hard times and in every season of life it will make you strong. Let us make sure we have faith in our hearts that is ever- growing and allow it to lead and guide us in the decisions we make each day. Your faith is so very precious – don’t ever forget that!

Faith Definition: 1. Complete trust or confidence in